Saturday, January 07, 2006

Hurry up and die, Sharon

God, if i was him i'd be cacking myself about Pergatory.. But then again I wonder if you has any true understanding about the things he's done? Surely when someone has perpetuated so much evil, deep down they have some kind of remorse, unless they are a psychopath and are unable to distinguish right from wrong? I wonder which category he would fall under? In any case, i can safely say that I would not like to be climbing those steps to meet my Maker, if I was him... In other international news, i saw a squirell running up a tree this morning with a massive nut in its mouth. He was standing on a fence as i walked by and looked so embarrassed that I saw him, hi just legged it up the tree. He was one of those Grey ones that were artificially introduced into the country and are now stealing the Ginger ones' food causing them to slowly die out. How sad! Yet another example of Redism. It even happens in the natural world! I feel sick at the thougth that im in the libro again today, although its going to be a short one. My cough keeps resonating around the whole place (bloody high ceilings..) and i nearly coughed up a lung this morning. I want to try and get down to the trendyoid Burough Market (where Jamie Oliver ponces around buying rare organic cheeses from the udders of himalayan mountain yacks and such culinary delights..) to try and get some fresh fruit and veg and a bit of fresh fish. (wish i could just go down to 'the Square' to Martin's stall) So as you can see, im doing all my possible (can you say that in Engels?) to get on with the mountain of reading i have to do.. (!) I swear to god, sometimes the stuff writen by social scientists is so RIDICULOUSLY written it makes you want to roll around on the ground and scream and pluck your eyes out. Its like a fupping parody of itself sometimes... Anyway, enough negativity. I shall go forth on my educational quest and leave the fun and joy of Saturdays to be had by someone else.
Ps.. Did anyone see that BBC2 docu on thurday about people who treat their pets like humans (sound familiar, anyone?), with this dirty little Italian Greyhound called Hugh who kept "getting his lipstick out"...? Disturbing...


Izzie said...

Beware! This is a public site that anyone surfing cyberspace can stumble upon? Dad is looking over my shoulder and says that "Mossad" is watching you!!!!!

Izzie said...

ps, what woke YOU up this morning and bit you on the ass!! ;0)

Anonymous said...

"dirty little Italian Greyhound called Hugh who kept "getting his lipstick out"...? " AJJAJAJAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA

Anonymous said...

Steph! You're back!And keeping up with eastenders lol spk soon hun m xxx