A shoe-shopping outing turns nasty..
A tasteful and moving statue of Dodi and Diana in Harrods..
Eibh left her hairstaighters at home..
An insident with Tiaramisu Dinner Chez Anna
The Candyman can cause he mixes it with love and makes the world taste good..
Hhhmm.. the epistemological ramifications of that are quite perplexing..
Its been a while! I was so traumatised by the loss of my phone, followed by the loss of my second phone and abduction of my bag.. Just didn't have it in me to write. In the mean time I had a delightful visit from Ma girls, Eibh and Derv. They came to check me out in my new digs and make sure i'm still just about sane. What fun we had.. We just basically laughed, ate, gossiped/over-analysed and generally pissed around. We also had a marathon stretch of the lezer 'sex and the city replacement' called the L-Word. Apart from that, we hung out in Covent Carden, going from lunch, to post-lunch coffee, to afternoon tea. Ooh, i got my bloody bad stollen in this pub in Whitechapel where Jack the Ripper used to drink.. You'd think that would serve as a warning.. no. So we had to go to the City Cop Shop and flirt with PC Fit the Second. Of course my keys and diary with my address where lifted, meaning we had to spend half the following day waiting for a locksmith to come and extort 170 quid from me. So Derv went off to Cardiff for the weekend on Friday and me and Eibh headed to the LSE 'here's one i made earlier' nightclub, known to you and i as 'Crush'. We had decided to get a head start by having a few drinks before we left so by the time we arrived.. we were ready to go, i tell ya! We did in fact dance for 3 hours solid, BEFORE anyone else had arrived because it only fills up at about 11. So Eibh and me had our own personal disco (first year..merville..sound familiar?!) and by the end of it we were best friends with the dj, who was giving us all sorts of shout-outs (i think he was only too happy that someone was actually dancing..) including "this one goes out to our very own Crush virgin". So apart from a little run in with an Amerian who incured Eibh's wrath by throwing something at her from the balcony, we had a merry old time. The rest of the weekend was spent nursing hangovers, going to Camden in time to see all the shops/stalls close, going to Tate Britain on Sunday and skipping most of it apart from the modern section which had some interesting video-installations and a section on a porn-star from the 80s.. pre-Brazilian waxing era, i might add. So that's the craic really. I miss them terribly and miss having the craic with them.. Having them around reminded me how much i miss our humour cause no one here really gets me at all in that department. Anyway, apart from mourning the loss of my phones/bags and the departure of my luvies ive been essaying away and watching copious amounts of rugby. But more importantly, im off to the USAIIII next Monday. I can hardly believe it! So i'll be blogging away from there next week and hopefully my posts will be slightly more exciting than this one..
Slan x
yay!!! once agin i feature on you blog. oh, my popularity is beyond me!! jst wrote u a beautiful long and amusin email....the computer killed it and now im in a terrible and dangerous mood. will start again tomoro, but for the moment i must leave this cyber world and return to reality where things dont simply delete and disappear before your eyes!! damn technology! love ya xxx
Let's get honest here Shteffers, it wasn't a playful attack on me, that lad was cruising for a bruising (so '90's!). He behaved as though he had never been introduced to the art of R-E-S-P-E-C-T! In fairness, who throws 'a paper' (ahahjajajajajajajajja) at a 'Lady'in an attempt to attract her? So unimpressive.On a brighter note, your blog has finally been revived,HURRAH!Don't be put off my losing The Phone,KEEP BLOGGING!Tlk soon paune, try not to over stress bout work,soon you'll be on a plane westwards to the Big Gay Capital...em...that was MEANT to sound good...but what with you being straight and all i think i should reconsider my San Fran sales technique...BIGITUP!BIZOOO!
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